How Do We Address Our Lost Attention? A Follow-up

In my last blog post, I wrote about Johann Hari’s latest bestseller Stolen Focus. In the book Johann creates urgency about the collective collapse of our ability to pay attention. His main premise is that our decline of attention is not a fault of everyone’s lack of willpower, but rather a result of systemic forces,…

How employee incentives drive innovation in family firms

Innovation is the name of the game in today’s hypercompetitive markets: in order to survive, companies need to continuously innovate their products, processes and operations. Based on conventional wisdom, family-owned firms are at a disadvantage in this regard, with risk aversion, conservative attitudes, organizational rigidity and limited capital commonly cited as obstacles to innovation. At…

How family firms are guiding the sustainability journey

Stakeholder capitalism has gone mainstream with the rise of the sustainability agenda. For family businesses, the fundamentals of shared value are well-known and woven throughout the family capitalism business model. As explored in the newly released KMPG report "A Road Well-Traveled," family businesses have a unique opportunity to take a leadership role in guiding others…

The purpose of work: when productivity becomes a religion

Guest contributor: Carolyn Chen Sociologist · Author · Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of California-Berkeley · Co-Director of the Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion Much has been written about the role of purpose in the realm of family business. But what happens when organizations take it too far? Prof. Carolyn Chen explores the…
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