Roqueta Origen, a legacy of wine-growing entrepreneurs

Ramon Roqueta Segalés is a winemaker, agricultural engineer and CEO of the Roqueta Origen Group. A fifth-generation member of "wine-growing entrepreneurs,” he shares how the business has grown since its creation in the 12th century. I have the privilege of leading the Roqueta Origen group, a group of small wineries with distinct brands and identities.…

Succession and family vision

Succession is the most critical challenge faced by family businesses since it touches the very heart of family and firm: its foundational bricks and future legacy. It’s difficult because it affects people – predecessors and successors, the company and the owner family – as well as complex since it can impact all three different spheres…

Other things that tend to happen in family firms

In my previous post, I highlighted two of the most common mistakes in family businesses. To avoid going on about mistakes, I've decided to entitle this post “Other things that often happen in family firms.” To be sure, lots of good things happen in family firms. My colleague, teacher and friend, Prof. Miguel Ángel Gallo,…

The New World of Work Calls for New Work Designs

We are experiencing a rapid transformation of the world of work. Just within the few last years we have seen a dramatic increase in virtual work, gig work, different forms of collaborations beyond organizational boundaries, and artificial intelligence. All these changes guide new thinking about how work could and should be done, and organizations are…
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