Boosting Business in Africa Needs More Visa Openness

Applying for a visa is one of the hassles that makes travel into a country inconvenient. As a Spaniard travelling to Africa, I’ve had diverse experience depending on the country I visit. I don’t need any visa to enter South Africa, and I can get a visa on arrival to enter Kenya. The experience with…

Two different Donald Trumps?

In his endorsement of Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson said that there was a second, cerebral Trump and that his bad boy act was just "political stuff". The idea that politicians will say one thing to get the nomination or be elected and really think something else is deeply concerning.

Green Voices: Empowering Women to Fight Climate Change

This week I can’t help but relating to the International Working Women’s day celebration. I’ll do so celebrating Voces Verdes (Green Voices) -- a great initiative by Mujeres por Africa (Women for Africa). Women for Africa is a Foundation aimed at contributing to African development through its women. Green Voices is a newly launched project to empower…
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