Tribal attributes

In a comment to an earlier post, Christian referred to how strongly Kenyans feel about tribal attributes. I think he has better insights about this than me but let me tell you about what I've heard, and maybe he and others will add some comments. Kenya's ethnic diversity is high. The various tribes can be…

The Chinese presence in Africa

Chinese economic presence in Africa comes in for a lot of criticism: the projects to which they contribute financing favor foreign companies while leaving local contractors behind – or so the critics say. The Chinese are also known for bringing in their own people to do the work. In Kenya, for instance, there has been a recent…

The Startup Corporation: Taking Breakthrough Entrepreneurship to New Heights

High growth startups – and in some cases, new industries like social networks and internet content marketing – rely on breakthrough ideas to create new products. Established firms can benefit from the management ideas that guide these startups, and leverage them further due to an important advantage: their access to resources and networks that startups…

Intra-Africa business travel

As a part of my learning trip, I arrived yesterday to Accra, Ghana where I will be for one week. Travelling from Nairobi to Accra would have been as easy as travelling from Barcelona (where I was last week). But that's not the case for most of intra-Africa business travel. There are very few flight…
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