The ins-and-outs of real estate

Look at the picture below carefully and read the sign there. You'll see one of the ins-and-outs of real estate in Nigeria – and I suspect that similar ones may appear in the rest of Africa: Yes, you got it right!: "This property is NOT for sale." Unusual, isn't it? Not so here, where you…

Deflation Fears in the Euro Area are Overstated

According to Eurostat, the annual inflation rate in the Euro area was only 0.7% in February 2014. A year earlier that same rate stood at 1.8%. This has prompted concerns about the Euro Area slipping into deflation. Deflation is defined as a general decrease of the price level. There have been several such episodes in…

The Key to a Successful Entrepreneurial Team

William Hewlett and David Packard, who I have had the honor of meeting personally, were two very different people who together created an amazing company called Hewlett-Packard.  The two made up an entrepreneurial team: a group of entrepreneurs who together launch a new enterprise intelligently combining their capabilities. This is a situation that is becoming…
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