Economists: adventures and misadventures

Economists have been in great demand since the beginning of the crisis. This, by the way, was a welcome change, since in the preceding years, those that are now called ‘The Great Moderation’, people did not know what to do with us. We went on, year after year, drawing the same diagrams on the blackboard,…

Will Technological Development Take Your Job?

In The Terminator, a highly intelligent computer becomes self-aware and starts a nuclear holocaust that wipes out the human race, leaving only a few brave souls left to fight the robot soldiers, impersonated by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The fictional date of this catastrophic event – August 27, 1997 – has long since come and gone without…

The Bitcoin

The bitcoin is the new fashion. The Economist explains how it works here, discusses its future here, Paul Krugman talks about it in his blog for the New York Times here, and El País has translated his comments here. To evaluate a currency or a candidate for currency, the first thing you have to do is ask if…

The Legend of Margaret Thatcher

A few days ago, I wrote an “urgent” post following the death of Margaret Thatcher on my blog (in Spanish). In it, I said that I would talk about her again. After waiting a prudent amount of time, I am writing this post taking into account various things that have been said about her –…
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