CEO Activism?

The global political landscape has recently been immersed in the aftermath of racial violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Along with the horror of the event itself, what drew even more attention was the very controversial reaction to it from the one who is expected to speak up for the people, the country and its values. President…

The Grass is Greener in Melbourne: Latest Livability Report Data

Although the well-known expression that “the grass is greener on the other side” refers to the way people tend to perceive something they do not have, sometimes we can take it quite literally, for example when comparing cities based on their livability ranking. According to the recent Economist Intelligence Unit report, the grass is "greenest"…

Search Fund Incentive Structures: Time for Debate

Search funds have become a popular model for young entrepreneurs seeking to become equity-owning managers and run their own business. They have also become an interesting investment class for experienced private equity investors and other individual investors. It’s an appealing collaborative model: an ambitious and dynamic yet inexperienced entrepreneur partners with experienced hands-on investors to…

Is the European Union Poised for Relaunching?

The European Union throughout its history has experienced periods of Euro-optimism and periods of Euro-pessimism, with crises scattered in between. Jean Monnet, a pioneering advocate of European unity, wrote that "Europe will be forged in crises, and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises." But the recent period of Euro-pessimism has…
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