Living with Uncertainty

Theresa May's surprisingly poor showing in last week's General Election has created even more uncertainty about Brexit but this is only one of the uncertainties that society and business must take into account when thinking about the medium term

Latest Research: ‘Navigating between Home, Host, and Global Identities’

Business activities today regularly reach across cultural boundaries, and collaborative work with people of different cultural backgrounds becomes an everyday normality. Alongside the increasing exposure to culturally pluralistic settings, the question of cultural identities and the process of acculturation also receives more and more attention. In fact, we increasingly see cases of people holding multiple…

Spain: Corporate Compliance, Crime Prevention… and Business Ethics?

This post is the result of a collaboration with Manuel Alverez Feijoo, a friend and lawyer in the important law-firm Uría Menéndez. What we discuss below is also the topic of many lectures Manuel delivers within my business ethics and compliance courses in IESE business school. I believe that two main broad considerations can be…

Our Second Dimension of Leadership

We want our leaders to be reliable in their decision making and have depth in character. However, we know that our educational and professional training programmes are geared primarily towards developing what Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik (author of ‘Lonely Man of Faith’) described as our Adam 1 side. This is one based on individualism, achievements, skills…
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