Tips to Launch a Corporate Venturing Program

What is the process to set up a venturing strategy? A. Set Out the Objectives Corporations must stress out what impact they want to have in the long run before interacting with startups. Deciding the strategic intent early on will not only help corporations to design an effective overall innovation strategy but also save time. Sometimes…

Cities Leading the Way

As the political situation in the United States goes from bad to worse and the Paris climate accord hangs in the balance, there is a ray of hope from some of the world's most important cities including Madrid, Paris and Mexico D.F.

Why Corporations Need to Collaborate With Startups?

It is said that it is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most adaptable. Land-based dinosaurs ruled the Earth for about 160 million years but they are extinct today and only skeletons are left, like “Stan,” a tyrannosaurus that is placed at the Google campus in Mountain View, California as a kind…

Top-10 companies in Africa

The Africa Report published recently their list of Top-500 African companies in terms of turnover (2015 figures). Let’s focus on the Top-10. As the tables below show, at the level of the continent there’s hardly any variation relative to the previous rank, while sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) shows more action. Top climbers: Energies Nouvelles (#233), construction,…
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