Innovation and Change

IESE's Technology Transfer Group Recognized by AACSB for "Innovation That Inspires"

IESE's Barcelona Technology Transfer Group (BTTG) has been recognized by AACSB International for its innovative efforts to elevate entrepreneurial thinking and encourage new business creation. The AACSB, the world's largest business education alliance, recognized 25 business schools from 12 countries for a wide range of innovation projects, which emphasize research, experiential learning, cross-disciplinary efforts, and community…

Symbiosis, the Concept Behind the Platform of Opportunity Network

It is no secret that the irruption of the internet has transformed our society and businesses, boosting boundless interaction. This context of digital transformation has been the ideal breeding ground for a new type of relationship: a close and long-term interaction between two or more different agents that is mutualistic or commensalistic, where the parts…

A Guide of Corporate Venturing: Tools, Descriptions and Features

A corporation can use one tool or another or all of them, depending on the results that it wishes to obtain, which can go well beyond the financial returns that Corporate Venturing Capital has traditionally represented. New models of cooperation include taking action to acquire or source innovation with a strategical, long-term mindset. It is…
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