
TPP: United States and Japan make a move

The agreement signed by the United States and Japan, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which includes ten other countries, will represent 40% of the world’s trade volume. Given its scope, this agreement is a definite win for President Obama and Prime Minister Abe. With this agreement, numerous measures will be adopted to foster trade between the…

EU and Immigration (II): Demographic Decline

In the previous post we analyzed the consequences of the massive wave of immigrants who have come to Europe in recent weeks, mainly fleeing the civil war in Syria. Europe has a moral duty to accept them and Germany is leading the process despite the differences that exist between the various member states. But there…

EU and Immigration (I): Why is it So Hard to Decide?

The immigration crisis seen in recent months, which has blown up over the past several weeks, is causing Europe to look at itself in the mirror. How should it be managed? How can hundreds of thousands of people from other cultures be integrated? It is worth reflecting on why the European Union (EU) must urgently…
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