
China on Our Doorstep

For the first time in recent history, the state of China’s economy is the object of examination, not only by “China experts” – provided such an animal exists – but by everybody interested in current economic conditions anywhere in the world. For the first time we are seeing that what happens to the Chinese economy…

Why does the EU "need" Greece? Five keys

Have we seen the end of the crisis in Greece and the euro with the third bailout? Is the deal good for the EU and Greece? It has been months—if not years—that the "Greece issue" has been in the news, but understanding it requires more than economic analysis. There are other determining factors, such as…

Economic Performance Turnround in Ivory Coast

Think of Ivory Coast and what comes to mind? The war? The one that ended 4 years ago? I would hope that what comes to mind is what the Financial Times reported recently, that Ivory Coast has been transformed “from the worst performer in Africa in 2011 to one of its fastest-growing economies today.” What…
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