Session with Nobel Laureate Bengt Holmström

Bengt Holmström is an MIT professor and the recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics. In his recent remarks at the 2021 IESE-ECGI Corporate Governance Conference, he warns of a data-driven tsunami that will radically change how businesses operate and structure their corporate governance systems. Don’t miss this thought-provoking session! Video Session with Bengt […]

Are family firms really more socially responsible?

For socially responsible firms, corporate performance is more than financial statements and shareholder returns. Looking beyond the balance sheet, they aspire to serve all stakeholders, from employees, customers and suppliers, to local communities and society at large. In the realm of family-owned firms, a core dimension of this focus is socioemotional wealth (SEW), which refers […]

Osborne Group: 8 generations of passion and drive

As the head of Osborne Group’s institutional relations, Carla Terry Osborne leads initiatives to foster pride of belonging among the company’s 330-plus shareholders, including Osborne’s broad calendar of events to commemorate its 250th anniversary in 2022. I joined Grupo Osborne in 2016 as head of corporate public relations and communication for the Osborne Foundation. Before […]