Leadership and People Managenent

Let’s ReThink the Notion of a Confident Leader

In uncertain and volatile times, we need strong and confident leadership, don't we?! The answer might be more complicated than a simple Yes or No. As a psychologist might wittily remark, it all depends... How do we define and see such confidence? Is a confident leader the one, who has all the answers to difficult…

How do informal institutions influence family-owned firms?

As outlined in my previous post, the prevalence, strategy and performance of family-controlled firms (FCFs) differs across countries, yet research has primarily underscored formal institutions like regulations and legal frameworks to justify these differences. In our research, we widened the scope to explore how informal systems such as social ordering systems, hierarchies and values might…

Global Mobility in a (Post-)Covid World: Findings from a Recent Industry Survey

Will global mobility disappear in a (post-)Covid world? About a year ago I entertained the idea of a dystopian post-Coronavirus world, a version of an ’online’ world, where we would rather upgrade our ZOOM and Google Meets licences than book business trips and plan relocations... Luckily, such a scenario may remain fictional, because global mobility…
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