Leadership and People Management
Let’s maintain our physical, but not psychological distance!
As another month of home confinement to fight the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, many of us have probably come to terms with the situation, or rather, our handling of it. Some of us may even feel well adapted by now? Or did we just get accustomed to an ongoing struggle? Are the feelings…
Leadership and People Management
Coronavirus: Let’s imagine the aftermath...
We are almost two months into the Coronavirus crisis since the WHO declared it a global health emergency on January 31st. By now, we are officially dealing with a global pandemic, which has become personally tangible to many of us. Around the world governments have been declaring a state of emergency, in Europe most borders…
Leadership and People Management
Why Do Millennials Stay in Their Jobs? Recent Research
The Gallup report has dubbed Millennials as the ‘Job-Hopping Generation’, with high turnover rates and low engagement scores seemingly supporting such characterization of the generation. Indeed, the ‘job-hopping’ millennial is a common media portrayal, and academic evidence generally supports this reputation as well. Should we conclude that millennials as a generation are more fickle in…