Leadership and People Managenent

Why Do Millennials Stay in Their Jobs? Recent Research

The Gallup report has dubbed Millennials as the ‘Job-Hopping Generation’, with high turnover rates and low engagement scores seemingly supporting such characterization of the generation. Indeed, the ‘job-hopping’ millennial is a common media portrayal, and academic evidence generally supports this reputation as well. Should we conclude that millennials as a generation are more fickle in…

Coronavirus and Social Networks: Can There be Light in the Darkness?

On Friday, January 31, the WHO declared the new coronavirus a global health emergency. By now, the virus has reached every region in mainland China and continues to spread outside China as well. Evacuation and quarantine operations of hundreds of foreign nationals from China are underway. Moreover, several countries reacted to the emergency by restricting…

Welcome to the Twenties!

Some days ago we entered a new decade, the twenties. As the New Year and decade begins, it is interesting to reflect on the past ten years and make some predictions about the future. Here are some of my personal highlights: There was the internet, now there is AI and the GIG economy, when will…
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