Leadership and People Managenent

Global Mobility Functions: Bringing Value, but Struggling to Demonstrate It

In my latest blog entry I argued that globalization is in need of global leaders, who would allow for a more integrative approach in fostering globalization further. Indeed, globalization seems to need an extra push, as contrary to general perceptions of global interconnectedness, actual data indicates that the world is still not ‘flat’. Echoing this…

Latest Research: The Role of Global Leadership

The most recent DHL Global Connectedness Index, analyzing the state of globalization around the world, suggests that we don’t quite live in a ‘flat’ world. Indeed, in spite of visible global interconnectedness, the actual numbers related to international flows of products and services, capital, information, and people, show that globalization is much more limited than…

Procrastination: Why Do Today What you Can Put Off Until Tomorrow?

Procrastination, from the latin procrastināre might be dressed up as “put off”, “wait and see” or “put the decision on hold for the time being”…. Firstly, it’s crystal clear we can’t do everything at once, or in the beat of a drum. Secondly, we usually have the expectation of gaining instant gratification when we complete a…
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