Trading across borders

Last week, in the post Reforms that make doing business easier, we discussed the Ease of Doing Business rankings. These appear in the World Bank’s Doing Business Report. We focused on a few sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries, and what they did recently to improve their ranks. There are many important that the World Bank takes into…

What Mistakes Are Killing Your Startup? #5 and #6: Launching too Early… or too Late

If there is one trend that did change the shape of the entrepreneurial ecosystem these last few years it has been the lean start-up movement. The concept is straightforward: It’s the philosophy that you should validate your initial ideas (assumptions) with real-life data before you invest more time and money in your project. The premise…

My Christmas Wish List

As the year comes to an end, it is about time to make Christmas wishes. I will certainly make my personal ones, but I would also like to provide some on behalf of the world of global business and global mobility – topics I work on and write so much about. Looking back at the…

Crunch Time for Senate Republicans (and Democrats)

As Donald Trump continues to announce the people he will nominate to his cabinet appointments and other posts which have normally been given cabinet rank such as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency it will be up to the United States Senate to confirm these people and the country and the world will see what the Senators are truly made of.
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