Let’s take a break!

This week I’m attending the meeting of the Academy of Management. After this, I’ll take a break. In the meanwhile, I leave you with this 10’ video clip: “Africa: A roadmap to opportunities.” You may want also to catch up with missed posts. “Talk” to you again in September!

Living with Terrorism

Rather than learning to live with terrorism, or blaming a religious or ethnic group, the root causes of such attacks, such as easy access to powerful weapons in the U.S. and the disillusionment of a segment of European society can be addressed.

Be Careful Mr. Cruz: Revenge Can Be Self Destructive!

It was an accident prone week for the principal speakers at Republican Convention last week. We had Melania Trump’s speech which followed a customary ceremonial (epideictic) model; then we had Ted Cruz’s speech, which was a forensic speech albeit a negative one, and finally Donald Trump’s acceptance speech, which was deliberate in style and content.…

Strategic Agility

My last visit to Nairobi was right after Brexit. As everywhere else, this was a major topic of conversation. In a casual chat with a group of CEOs, we talked about the uncertainty that the British move has created, and we went on discussing other factors that create uncertainty. I ventured that African companies may…
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