Stepping Up to Uncertainty

In both business and the military, preparing leaders and their teams/units to manage in unpredictable environments – from strategy to tactical execution – is crucial. U.S. military planners have come up with a term to describe dynamic and unstable environments: VUCA. This acronym, which is also now often applied to business, stands for Volatile, Uncertain,…

Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability

A colleague from Kenya once told me, “In Europe you have lost touch with nature, we are more integrated with it, we see ourselves as part of it – this must make a difference in the way we approach management”. Pope Francis's recent trip to Africa reminded me of this sentiment. Caring for the Earth – “our…

Imagination supported by knowledge: the key for a successful professional

Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Indeed, Einstein even went further when he said “Imagination is everything. It is a preview of a coming attraction”. But, then, you may ask, what do these words actually mean, especially for people who are more associated with the world of technology,…
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