Gender Quotas and the Boomerang Effect

The debate on the system of gender quotas for boards of directors is ongoing and although we should congratulate ourselves on some important advances, there is still a long way to go. I'm afraid the "coffee for all" approach often imposed in some countries, involving a mandatory percentage applicable to all companies in all sectors,…

Nairobi: Upcoming African Transport Hub

I left Nairobi on Saturday. The airport surprised me with several improvements since last year. It has better organized control posts to enter the airport area, a world-class extension to Terminal 1, more eating facilities, etc. Security controls are extensive: I went through 3 screenings! Clearly, they don’t want to take risks. Who knows if…

Five Measures to Create Jobs for Countries with High Unemployment

Job creation is one of the most important challenges facing society. This is true from both the social and economic points of view, particularly amid an economic crisis as persistent as the one that hit the Western world in the opening decade of the 21st century. One of the most dramatic consequences of this crisis…
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