Benefits of Telecommuting: Recent Research

When speaking of progressive workplace policies, telecommuting is definitely one to mention. The term ‘telecommuting’ refers to employees using modern technologies to work outside their office, let it be their home or any other location, either regularly or from time to time. As described in one of my earlier blog posts, telecommuting is a trend…

Innovation: Converting Your Company in a Startup Corporation

Established players and startups seem to be two completely different worlds. This belief has led to the Innovation Paradox: The better you are at incremental innovation, the worst you become at generating breakthrough ideas. Yet companies must beat this paradox in order to survive. How? By becoming a Startup Corporation. It is possible. Google has…

The best entrepreneur could be found within your company

Until recently, senior managers believed that all they had to do to promote entrepreneurship at their company was continue with their own search for new business opportunities. Today, the current trend is to share this responsibility with the entire organization, and top executives no longer have the role of "hunters" of new business opportunities. Now they…
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