Clean Robot Cops of Kinshasa

You may have heard about the humanoid traffic control robots in Kinshasa recently. When the news came out, I thought it was interesting. The robot, affectionately known as robocop, can regulate the flow of vehicles and of pedestrians, combining the functions of traffic officer and traffic lights at the same time. I've not been to…

Digitization of Retail Banking: the Coming Revolution

Retail banking is due for a disruptive revolution. Other industries, like music and entertainment, have evolved on the impulse of technology and the process of digitization. Commercial banks, however, are still enchained, held hostage, by the paper world: it is a business that handles information—therefore digitizable—yet remains held back by the analog era. This is…

No place for the Rohingya

The crisis of the Rohingya boat people is another example of a tragically complex situation which has played out over the last 200 years as a consequence of the political development of Myanmar and raises a question for the international community about how to engage with the country.

Multicultural Marketing: When Globalization Requires Even More Cultural Sensitivity

I believe that globalization is a term familiar to pretty much everyone; yet, the way people understand globalization may be quite different. On one hand, many believe that globalization is making the world smaller in a sense that local differences are replaced by global similarities. Indeed, it takes one just to travel around a bit…
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