Redistribution is not Enough

Ricardo Hausmann recently wrote a piece titled “Redistribution or inclusion?” for Project Syndicate. It provides a different view of the causes of inequality of income, looking particularly at developing countries. It points out that modern production requires many complementary inputs, many of which are present in advanced economies, but lacking in emerging economies. Some years ago a friend told…

The Answer for Terrorism

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres was interviewed by Tom Friedman in Davos and said that terror is "destroying the arab countries" and is a much bigger threat to them than Israel. He also offered his dream of a future without the terrorists...

Women Leaders are Movie Stars!

Patricia Arquette said it best, 'It's our time to have wage equality. Women all over the world face this same problem. According to the last report of the International Labour Organization, it remains clear: the pay gap is huge. Women in leadership are movie stars who work hard, shine brightly and contribute enormously to the overall success of the production—yet they make substantially less than their male counterparts...

Gamification in a Global Workforce

Play hard, work hard? Do we know the difference between play and work? Play is more fun and engaging, while work is more like something that ‘you have to do’? When we play football with friends in the park, when we spend evenings playing table games in nice company, when we compete in video games…
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