The Company is in Need of Revolution

It is still the dominant model, but we have to do away with it: The company can’t last as an organization whose ultimate goal is financial profit. Dozens of examples demonstrate that the model is wanting, outdate, needs to change. The two economic crises early this century and the emergence of new heights of social…

The Economy Has Adjustment Mechanisms

We already knew that the economy tends to sort itself out. Not always, of course, since there are no fully automatic mechanisms, except in the field of physics. In human activities, the presence of human beings continues to be a source of irritation. Things would run so smoothly if we were all machines without our…

Talent development and African values

Last week I attended a conference of business school administrators hosted by IESE Business School. The theme was "Quality in context: Management education for the developing world," and the focus was on Africa. In one of the panels, a leader from one of the most prominent MNCs, which has operations in 13 African countries, highlighted…

Entrepreneurs on Hostile Ground: 5 Lessons from Eastern Europe

The fall of the Berlin Wall, which happened exactly 25 years ago, marked the dawn of a very complex transitional period for Eastern European countries. Yet even amid the tough environment, some entrepreneurs were able to overcome all the barriers and start businesses, some of which have since become thriving multinationals. At that time, entrepreneurs…
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