When Putin’s War Meets Zelensky’s Leadership

Some time ago, when the Covid crisis unfolded, I wrote about global leadership lessons, as such instances of global disruptions have the capacity to reveal how leaders operate and who they really are. Currently, we are into the fourth month of Putin’s war in Ukraine. Zooming out from the real suffering and emotional burden of…

The family council, a means and not an end

Guest contributor: María Rodríguez García Predoctoral Researcher and Lecturer · Universitat de València Visiting Researcher · IESE Chair of Family-Owned Business The family council as a concept began gaining traction in the 1990s, when consultants and academics highlighted its relevance in terms of protecting the business family’s long-term interests and navigating potential family complexity. Under…

Pedro Durán, the royal silversmith

Juan Miguel Albarracín Durán is the president and CEO of Grupo Durán, a jewelry company founded by his great-grandfather over 135 years ago. Our company was founded in 1886 by my great-grandfather Pedro Durán Morales, a silversmith by profession. In 1899, he was named an official supplier to Spain’s royal family, a significant milestone at…

What Makes Repatriates More Likely to Transfer Knowledge upon Their Return?

In a recent post I wrote about the research my colleagues and I conducted on inpatriation and knowledge transfer. Based on the research data we concluded that inpatriates contribute considerably to knowledge transfer and subsidiary development, leading us to recommend multinational corporations (MNCs) to view inpatriation from a more strategic perspective.  As a follow-up on…
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