Local outlets struggle during COVID-19

As we settle in our quarantines, we have more time in our hands to read the news—and sometimes obsessively. Thus, it’s not surprising that since the COVID-19 pandemic reached the Western hemisphere, news readership has surged dramatically. But what has also drastically changed is newspaper revenue. With businesses closing, the number of ads has plunged,…

Entertainment in times of quarantine

As quarantines are implemented throughout the world, users are spending more time on the Internet looking for entertainment options. This makes it, without doubt, the golden age of streaming services and online gaming outlets. But it is also an exciting time for grassroots initiatives, which are flooding the Internet.  As the competition for the audience's…

Coronavirus: Let’s imagine the aftermath...

We are almost two months into the Coronavirus crisis since the WHO declared it a global health emergency on January 31st. By now, we are officially dealing with a global pandemic, which has become personally tangible to many of us. Around the world governments have been declaring a state of emergency, in Europe most borders…
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