The evolving role of women in family business

Women are increasingly stepping into senior-level roles in family-owned firms, bringing a distinct leadership style that blends strategic acumen with an ability to balance both family and business dynamics. This article explores the growing influence of women in family-owned firms, the challenges they face and new opportunities on the horizon. Female leadership in family business…

Navigating reputation: a delicate balance for family firms

For family businesses, reputation is everything, past, present and future. It’s about maintaining a positive image today, while preserving a legacy that can be passed down through generations. More so than non-family firms, where the business and employees’ personal lives often occupy separate realms, family firms are deeply connected to their reputation. This also makes…

Work design and less-hierarchical organizing in global companies

By 2022, German athletic apparel and footwear manufacturer Adidas seemed to have lost its way. External criticism pressured the company to break its lucrative Yeezy collaboration with divisive celebrity Kanye West after the rapper’s increasingly inflammatory public comments. The company was burning money, losing almost $800 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. And it…
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