Cosmopolitan Imaginary: Insights from the Latest Research

How do we understand the idea of cosmopolitanism? As an ideology and notion of self that doesn’t belong to any culture or country? As belonging to the world as a whole with no narrower cultural identifications? According to Gianpiero Petriglieri of INSEAD, cosmopolitanism is the aspiration to become a citizen of the world, it is…

IESE Cities in Motion Index 2018

Once again, we are pleased to present the fifth edition of our IESE Cities in Motion Index (CIMI). We have observed with great satisfaction how various cities, companies and other social actors have used our study to carry out a comprehensive first diagnosis and an initial benchmarking of other major cities through comparative analysis. As…

Another One of Trump’s Decisions

On Tuesday, U.S. president Donald Trumpwithdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. This is probably the second biggest decision, after him pulling out from the Paris climate accord, which reflects his ‘America first’ philosophy on a global scale through his foreign policies. The decision means that Trumpquits the multilateral deal that was meant to hold back…

Goodbye Ms. Rudd, Hello Mr. Javid

For those of us who enjoy the comings-and-goings of parliamentary politics, life is quite exciting on the western limits of Europe, in the UK to be precise. Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, has been forced to resign. It was over her denial of the existence of secret quotas at the Home Office for the deportation…
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