M&A deals: How to bring cross-cultural teams together?

‘Merger and acquisition deals’ (M&A deals) – these often imply potential opportunities and profits for business leaders, yet may invoke resistance and anxiety among employees, and create headaches for managers. Indeed, it is hard to argue that M&A deals, similar to other business deals, have certain business goals, be it access to a new market…

Homogeneity and Ethics of Compliance Systems

Should compliance systems address specific local and cultural issues? Or, instead, is homogeneity throughout geographies the best solution? These questions are real nightmares for compliance officers that manage multinational companies. On one hand, some variation is imposed by different national legislations; on the other hand, homogeneity in the compliance function is often searched for many…

Success Factors of Corporate Venturing

In this post, we will see what are the elements that made corporations thrive when venturing, based on our research of real cases like Telefónica, Fluidra or Celsa, just to name a few. These factors are important to consider all over the process of launching or reviewing a Corporate Venturing strategy, from its design to its…
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