
Going Beyond the Task

Going beyond the task is a moto. Going beyond the tasks allows you to increase the content and the creativity of your work while contributing to the overall business. If you want to go beyond the task then follow these three steps: Perform your taskwell. Do it and do it right. Understand your business and your role within the business Contribute…

Two different Donald Trumps?

In his endorsement of Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson said that there was a second, cerebral Trump and that his bad boy act was just "political stuff". The idea that politicians will say one thing to get the nomination or be elected and really think something else is deeply concerning.

We Made It a TV Show

After watching the 11th debate of the Republican candidates for President of the United States, I am appalled at the style of all but Governor Kasich and feel that we are witnessing a large and expensive television extravaganza rather than a process of informing civil society
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