Leadership and People Managenent

French Victory: Another Socio-political Statement?

The World Cup is over and this time France claimed mastery of the game. Naturally though, the big event and this big victory are not isolated from important social and political issues. As discussed in my previous blog post, in general, this World Cup has been Russia’s political statement and branding campaign. France’s World Cup win…

Latest Global Mobility Trends

Over recent years I have talked about several megatrends and globally impactful changes in this blog: Brexit and Trump are shaking the geopolitical landscape and spreading protectionist tendencies; automation changes the world of work; the migration crisis and climate change stand as ongoing global issues; Europe foresees challenges of an aging population, while Chinese citizens…

The World Cup: Soccer or Geopolitical Statement?

It is the second week of the soccer World Cup in Russia, which has already offered its surprising goals and disappointing misses to billions of soccer fans around the world, and there are still several weeks of excitement to come. Apart from exciting emotions though, such major sporting events do present opportunities far beyond sports.…
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