Leadership and People Managenent

Expatriation and Retirement

This is a Guest Blog entry. Author: Yvonne Quahe, Reimagine Life.  Yvonne is a HR consultant and coach who helps individuals, couples and organizations with globally mobile populations to increase their engagement with life, manage their careers and attract and retain talent. Has it ever occurred to you that retirement is as inevitable as death and…

Leadership Talent: How to Spot It if It Is Hidden?

I haven’t written about talent for a while here, yet this is not an indication of reduced importance of the topic in any way. Indeed, the Talent Shortage Survey by ManpowerGroup indicates that in 2016 employers globally reported the highest talent shortage since 2007. Based on the survey data it seems that employers struggle foremost…

New Year, New Outlooks, New Utopias?

So, here we are. It is the first week of the new year, the holidays have ended and everyone is slowly getting back to their busy working mode...after all several resolutions have been written down and new goals have been set, right?! J I am also settling back into my work routines, catching up with…
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