Leadership and People Managenent

The Persistent Gender Gap: Some New Insights

Approximately six months ago in my blog post about gender inequality I concluded that ‘the global business world continues to be too slow at closing the gender gap’. Naturally, within these six months, nothing drastically has changed. Taking stock at where we currently are in terms of gender equality, McKinsey professionals reaffirm that the progress…

The Migrant Crisis: A Moral Responsibility Only?

The global migrant crisis continues to unfold, and today we can certainly speak about a historic crisis, and the worst refugee crisis since World War II. As the number of political and economic refugees increases, so does the tension between countries and the opposition between those who welcome them and those who don’t. The migrant…

Global Mobility and the Top Global Issues

At the end of last year, The World Economic Forum published their Global Agenda 2015 report, which summarized the top 10 issues that were thought to dominate the world over the upcoming 12 to 18 months. The identified trends range across the social, economic and political sphere and, naturally, many of these trends have implications…
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