Who Killed Jo Cox?

Although Tomas Mair, a clearly disturbed member of a far right organization in the U.K. is the person who brutally murdered Labor M.O. Jo Cox on the streets of Birstall last Thursday, the real culprits are the politicians who have cast the referendum on Britain's remaining or leaving the UK in apoplectic terms.

EURO 2016 showcases the Multicultural Europe

In line with the popular movie-based expression ‘I know what you did last summer’, since last Friday we may be popularizing ‘I know what you did last evening’. For many this would imply the obvious—namely football (soccer)! Yes, the EURO 2016 has started, which means watching football matches, discussing teams’ odds to win, and reading…

Manufacturing in Africa

Lagos is full of street vendors (see an earlier post about their frenzy activity!). It can get overwhelming! One of my Nigerian friends explained to me “Yeah! We’re traders! There’s hardly any manufacturing, and there are historical reasons for this: the Brits were interested in selling overseas what they manufactured at home…” This seems to…
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