Micro-Management: Less is More

I would like to share with you some interesting experiences of people I have met. And perhaps you too might find them of use in your daily life. I did. So, let me tell you what I learned recently. Less is more. Today I’d like to share Fabio’s story. He’s from Argentina and although he…

Looking Outside: How to Sense Opportunities in The Market

We’ve designed organizations that fail to respond to changes in the market. I tried to highlight this idea during my session in  the TEDxIESEBarcelona – hosted at IESE campus and organized by the MBA Innovation Club. Opportunities and risks are born outside. Other organizations and people are taking action that changes the conditions of our own organizations. Yet, our organizations are designed to…

In Case Topics on Global Mobility Have Started to Bore You already...

Recently IESE Business School had the pleasure of hosting its first independent TED event. Among many inspiring speakers was also one of our MBA students, Mariano Torrente, who spoke about our capacity to be surprised and wonder. Although a magician himself, Mariano argued that magic can be found all around us, not just in the…
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