Uber and Sospeter: An Unlikely Duo Changing Africa

While the importance of institutions and governance in Africa fostering development is often given front page, I beg to differ. For me, this is a highly theoretical debate which only results in slow – and few – practical changes at ground level. Real institutional change happens with small innovations – and here is where my…

Oil: Blessing or Curse?

A couple of years ago, Kenyans were very optimistic: they had found oil in the Northern part of the country! Last year, it looked like the country could become an exporter of oil. Right now, Kenya is benefiting from being a net energy importer. Is oil a blessing or a curse for a country’s economy?…

The Global World of a Local Facebook User

Who participates in globalization? Governments, which form alliances, open borders and support trade across countries? Multinational organizations, which open new subsidiaries abroad and employ people of different nationalities? Universities, which support international student exchange programs? Naturally, all of the above mentioned are active participants in the globalization process. Yet, the latest McKinsey publication highlights that…
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