EU and Immigration (I): Why is it So Hard to Decide?

The immigration crisis seen in recent months, which has blown up over the past several weeks, is causing Europe to look at itself in the mirror. How should it be managed? How can hundreds of thousands of people from other cultures be integrated? It is worth reflecting on why the European Union (EU) must urgently…

The Migrant Crisis: A Moral Responsibility Only?

The global migrant crisis continues to unfold, and today we can certainly speak about a historic crisis, and the worst refugee crisis since World War II. As the number of political and economic refugees increases, so does the tension between countries and the opposition between those who welcome them and those who don’t. The migrant…

Entrepreneurial Energy

One strong impression I’ve gained during my trips to sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is that the people are full of entrepreneurial energy. Even taxi drivers are constantly thinking about what kind of business to start. Colleagues who visit the continent regularly share this impression. Just watch Christian Staedler from Warwick University in a recent talk on…
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