Big Data: Making It Personal

Experts say that personal data is the oil of the 21st century. But for all the hype surrounding big data, consumers complain about how little they matter and how badly companies misuse their data. The reason is that many are still extracting information for the purpose of streamlining business processes, and are overlooking an essential…

Why is it hard to be ethical in business?

No one ever said leading was easy, much less leading with ethics. But the latter is very important. It is the difference between a good executive, in the full sense of the expression, and one who only knows how to achieve technical perfection, and how to do things right, but does not know how to…

Into Africa: Routes to Failure and Success!

When I told a Spanish friend about my engagement with Africa, she said: “I’d love to go there and get them organized!” I thought to myself, “Thank God you’re not going!” My friend’s attitude is the same as that of some MNCs and NGOs: it's an ethnocentric perspective that doesn’t recognize country differences – not to mention the value of…
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