Families: The key to addressing social and economic inequality

Francis Fukuyama delivers an engaging critique of Robert Putnam’s latest book, Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis (Financial Times, March 2015). Putnam alerts us to the real reason behind America’s inequality, which is missing in current debates on the subject. His belief is that the gradual decline of the stable, two-parent, mother and father…

Poland Prevails

After spending two days with Polish business people and politicians, one can not help but be impressed with what the Poles have achieved in the last 25 years in terms of economic growth and infrastructure development

Let’s Xerox it! Ursula Burns on Diversity

"Men and women ARE different", Ursula Burns, the CEO of Xerox recently told me at an IESE event in Barcelona, (and I had to ask, "Can I quote you on this?". Her clear and direct answer was, “Please do!"). I couldn't agree more. Men and women are different. Otherwise, why would we need to have diversity in…

Even Neighboring Countries are Distant

As I ventured into Nigeria and Kenya, the locals warned me: "don’t think all of Africa is like us." In fact,  This has important implications for companies doing business in Africa and expanding in the continent: whether traditional multinationals, emerging market multinationals (EMMs), Pan-African companies, and even African regional companies. What does country distance mean? In his CAGE…
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