Increasing urbanization and smart cities

Urbanization is on the up. The prospect is that by 2050, 70 percent of the world's population will live in cities – for Africa, the prediction is 50 percent. The challenge is for cities to offer improved living conditions to their citizens. To this end, the concept of "smart cities" is being developed. In essence,…

Four pillars of experiential marketing (I)

In the world of marketing, experiential is officially a buzzword. All brands are now expected to go experiential: develop non-TV, non-print campaigns around live events in which consumers interact with the brand. Such activities, the argument goes, provide personal and memorable experiences for consumers and therefore bring them closer to the brand, trigger motivation, and…

Localizing international quality standards

Standards are meant to ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. More often than not, there are multiple ways in which standards can be met, depending on the context and external conditions. That's why it's important to localize international quality standards, ensuring the standard is achieved but taking into account local…
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