Employment Has a Future

Looking beyond the current woes of unemployment, or the need to work toward a more productive economy, one that can support higher wages and offset the growing burden of pensions and concurrent increase of health and education spending, with the future approaching faster than one might hope, the future of employment remains a big question…

Innovation and Energy

In a series of posts about shale gas back in January, I made the point that one of effects of the increase in gas production in the United States was to suppress the price of natural gas and make it more difficult for utility scale wind and solar energy to compete with natural gas. Last week,…

Water purification: a basic need

During my stay in Kenya, I acquired a new habit, one which I have kept in my daily life: drinking hot, really hot, water – like from the kettle. That's common there. I guess it has to do with the need to purify the water before drinking it. Though it's a basic need, water purification…
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