U.S. Labor Market: Supply Matters

The recovery of the U.S. economy had appeared to achieve a breakthrough in the final quarter of 2013. The economy grew at an annual pace of 3.2 percent in the last quarter. But the economy contracted again the first quarter of this year. This weak recovery implies that more jobs have been lost in the…

Crowdfunding and the Financing of Entrepreneurial Ventures

Lending Club’s IPO preparations mark an important milestone for Peer to Peer (P2P) lending. Since its inception in 2007, Lending Club has facilitated billions of dollars in personal loans with about $2 billion of those loans originating in 2013 alone. In essence, P2P lending websites (Prosper and Zopa are other examples) have disintermediated the banking…

Who we are depends on what we have decided to be

Our lives and the organizations we belong to depend on two factors: the decisions we make and the external environment. The external environment is made up of all the circumstances that surround us, which we have no control over, or any way to influence. A person may be smart or foolish, tall or short, French,…
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