A New Monetary Policy?

After the injection of capital announced by Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), I stopped to reexamine what I knew about monetary policy and what I believe I know now. What conclusion did I reach? At first I thought, “This is not the monetary policy that I studied and have taught for…

Intra-African trade and transportation

When I wrote about intra-Africa business travel a few weeks ago, Charles Ivenco – one of my friends from Lagos Business School – left a comment in which he told us about the improvements in air transportation over the last decade, and how this is related to the increased levels of intra-African trade. According to…

Entrepreneurship with “obvious” business ideas

Obvious business ideas – of the kind that makes you say, “How come no one ever thought of that before?” – may not sound very exciting, but it’s an area where entrepreneurs can do wonderful things. A good example of an "obvious" business idea is when an entrepreneur spots an interesting product or service in…

Ten Recommendations for the Ethical Rearmament of Banking

The image of banks has deteriorated. They urgently need to improve their image and regain people's trust. It will be good for them and society. It's true that some banks were more responsible than others for the tarnished ethical reputation most people now have of financial institutions. And although banks are not the only parties…
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