Financial Crisis: Can “It” Happen Again?

“Can ‘It’ Happen Again?” Such was the title of a well-known paper written by economist Hyman Minsky in 1982. “It” referred to financial crises. His answer at the time was in the affirmative. And so it remains today. The crisis that started in August 2007 has affected economies in different ways and in different degrees.…

In Defense of the Business Plan

The business plan is under attack and deservedly so. Why spend so much time writing a fictional plan when you are pretty much certain that the odds of it translating to reality are near to zero? Framed this way it is indeed difficult to see why a rational person would venture out to write a…

Social Housing Architects: Amazing!

Don’t forget: I promised to speak about positive examples, best practices in our global society. Today’s story is about social housing. I did not know anything about social housing before accidentally meeting with Floriana Marotta and Massimo Basile. They are two amazing architects, Italians like me, almost same age, travelling around the world to find…

Silicon Valley Innovation, European Style

These days many believe that Europe’s economy and its major corporations are stagnant, simply trying to fight the recession to survive. It turns out that this is far from reality. Increasingly, executives from major . In their search for growth, many end up spending time in Silicon Valley to learn more about innovation and entrepreneurship,…
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