Online social networks are one of the success stories of the Internet era. Facebook Inc. has roughly 1.15 billion monthly active users and its market capitalization of $131 billion is close to double the valuation of Goldman Sachs and approximately equal to the valuation of BP. An example of a direct value that users of online social networks…
The risk is too high therefore there will be an agreement. We will never arrive at default ...
The current crisis has brought the old word “zombie” back into fashion. Originated in some black African cultures and associated today mostly with Haitian customs, “zombie” usually designates a dead person brought back to life by means of what one calls black magic or, more precisely, its lowest form, necromancy, a time-reviled practice. Economic zombies,…
Only by the honest examination of all options can we ensure that one day we will rely solely on renewable energy, but also that our planet will not have been fried by then ...