Should I Control You, if I Trust You? Recent Research on the Trust-Control Link in Russia

Reflecting about what nurtures personal and professional relationships, we are probably quick to think about trust as a main ingredient. And when you are asked what trust means, you probably think ‘less control’. If I trust you, I shouldn’t need or want to control you, right? Well, this logic is challenged as soon as you become a…

Dublin beware! The fox and the lion are on the prowl

  One headline reported on a last Sunday morning newspaper read, “Theresa May leaves diplomats in 'disbelief' after presenting EU leaders with unchanged Brexit demands”. Incredible, you may think after the enormous and indeed, historical, defeat she had suffered in the House of Commons during the week. But is it really incredible or is it…

Bandersnatch: Netflix does it again

It’s 1984, and Stefan Butler wakes up at 8.30am ready for a big meeting with Tuckersoft, a video-game company, to show them his video game demo called Bandersnatch. He takes his morning pills, washes his face and goes to the kitchen to have breakfast with his dad. They chat about his video game for a…
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