What if the tale of diversity and inclusion has gone wrong?

Modern technology, international business, cooperation through cross-cultural projects, a steady increase in the number of international travelers – shouldn’t it all bring people together and create more cosmopolitanism? Paradoxically, while having all these opportunities to connect, we seem to be moving further away from this ‘togetherness’, and, as current political trends indicate, towards separation and…

An unbelievable Hero!

  We may ask what role do myths, rituals and heroes have to play in today’s world? Joseph Campbell, the author of the classic, The Power of Myth, tells us they provide us with a cultural framework by which we can define ourselves, and know who we are. This cultural framework is helpful for our…

The Future of Work

Automation, big data and artificial intelligence are begining to change the nature of work and employment. This issue goes well beyond Human Resources and needs the involvement of Sr. Management and the Board.
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