
Advertising in streaming

Lately, streaming networks have been particularly busy releasing new content, and the response has been very positive. Shows like "House of Dragons" and "Bridgerton" are keeping viewership high across various platforms. In fact, according to Netflix, users are more engaged than ever, spending over 10 hours a month on the platform, which is significantly higher…

The renaissance of podcasts

In our last discussion, we touched on the resilience of radio and briefly mentioned the rise of podcasts. Today, we'd like to delve into an intriguing trend affecting this newer media format. Historically, Chinese users have favored quick and concise content, making them a primary audience for platforms that specialize in live streaming, a non-scripted…

Is radio still a thing?

Radio, one of the most enduring forms of media, continues to stand strong throughout time. While it's easy to think that podcasts, live streams, and other contemporary media formats have overshadowed it, radio's resilience deserves a second look. Interestingly, the media industry holds a positive outlook on radio. Post-COVID-19, in 2021, investors showed a keen…

Media Predictions 2024

2023 has unfolded as a year of remarkable events within the media landscape, from the writers' strike and influencer scams to the notable renaming of Twitter. Some of these developments were anticipated, while others took us by surprise. Given this unpredictability, making reliable forecasts for the coming year seems challenging. Nevertheless, certain trends have emerged,…

AI in Media

If you've been following our blog, you're likely aware that we enjoy delving into media trends. In previous posts we've touched upon various implementations of AI in the media sector. However, there hasn't been one where we thoroughly explore the progress of artificial intelligence in the media landscape over the past few months. In this…

Integrating AI in content creation

Over the past year, the ascent of chat GPT and AI has sparked widespread debates across industries. The media sector, in particular, has shown keen interest in the potential outcomes that AI development can bring to the creation of news, scripts, and other content. However, reminiscent of the concerns raised during the writers' strike, these…

The beauty community gets ugly (again)

In a prior discussion, we touched upon the issue of beauty influencers eroding trust on online platforms through dishonest reviews (see the new scammers). Initially, this led to a loss of trust and followers for many users. However, it has now sparked even more pronounced reactions, significantly impacted the profitability and influenced wielded by these…

Writers’ guild is back!

Over the past few months, we've been closely following the writer's strike in Hollywood. These professionals, awakened to the use of artificial intelligence in creativity, and fueled by sustained dissatisfaction over unfair compensation and missing bonuses for hit productions, brought the Hollywood industry to a standstill when their creative minds declared "enough is enough." Initially,…

Outsourcing creativity

As it has been explored in previous posts, creativity wields diverse values, especially when amplified by the dynamic channels of social media or specific platforms, such as fan-generated content. Numerous artists enthusiastically embrace their passions with the primary goal of sharing and enhancing the online communities they are a part of. But what's interesting is…

From Twitter to X

Just when we thought the Twitter/Musk chronicles had settled and a balance had been struck between the CEO's personality and the company's profitability, Elon Musk surprises us yet again with what could be the ultimate bold decision for Twitter. Perhaps drawing inspiration from Facebook’s rebranding, Musk is set to completely rebrand the social media platform,…

Reignited Magic: Iger Strikes Back

A few weeks ago, we shared news about the highly anticipated return of Bob Iger, one of the most celebrated CEOs in the history of entertainment. Now, we delve into the first decisive actions he plans to take to revitalize Disney and its streaming platform. And let us tell you, these are no small moves.…

The new scammers

Product placement and the influence of prominent figures have become significant sources of additional income within the realm of social media platforms. Even Netflix has utilized the strategy of product placement in their TV series and movies to bolster revenue and generate cash flow. However, the practice of hidden advertising has escalated to a point…

Project 92

What's the scoop on Meta? Rumor has it, this tech giant is making a comeback, riding the wave of virtual reality's rising popularity in the industry. What’s more, Apple just dropped a bombshell with their "Vision Pro," a new augmented reality headset that could give Meta the boost it needs. But what is more important…

Writer’s Guild Strike

Creativity seems to have lost its allure as a source of entertainment. The witty one-liners that once graced American sitcoms and TV shows now resemble an old tale. The relentless consumption of media has shaped the preferences of users, leaving TV scripts as an unusual source of entertainment. Nowadays, audiences crave fast paced and often…

Broadcasters blurring the lines

Comcast is a silent giant. Whether you are a resident of the United States and have utilized their television services or not, the success of Comcast is undeniable. Currently, it holds the title of the world's second-largest broadcasting and cable television company by revenue. Moreover, Fortune magazine also states that it is America’s largest home…

The good and bad sides of clickbait

Have you ever anticipated being shocked by a scandal upon clicking on a news story, social media post, or YouTube video only to be disappointed? If you fell for a clickbait scheme due to a misleading title or fabricated thumbnail, you're in good company; millions of people have fallen for the same thing. But, why…

Rock your website

Which is better, Bandgoogle or Bandzoogle? Whatever you call it (but it's Bandzoogle), it's upending the music industry and, at the very least, reaching million-dollar success. Bandzoogle is a one-of-a-kind platform created by musicians for musicians. It is a network that allows musicians to personalize a web to upload their recordings and release their songs.…

The mousetrap

Bob Iger has resurfaced. In 2020, he decided to resign from his position as CEO of Disney and live a quiet life. Nonetheless, his plans have been overshadowed by the company's current difficulties. It may be hard to believe that the all-powerful Disney would face the challenges posed today, but then again, time changes, and…

Our 2023 forecast of “Trends in Media”

2022 has been full of newsworthy media events: Twitter's saga (see The Chief Twit) The disruption of social media platforms like BeReal and Mastodon (read what about Mastodon?) The continuous growth of live streaming with the increased popularity of Twitch. But unfortunately, there have also been political key events that have impacted the media environment.…
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