Family Business
The "S" in ESG: social commitment in family business
Family businesses form the cornerstone of the global economy. Their ability to create employment, drive innovation and enhance social cohesion also makes them a key player in the transformation toward a more sustainable world. That said, the social dimension of ESG (environmental, social and governance) in family-owned firms remains a challenge both in terms of…
Family Business
Family business: overcoming hurdles at key crossroads
All family businesses that have effectively navigated generational handovers have faced similar challenges. One way of analyzing these challenges is through the lens of different generations, since the obstacles encountered by first-generation companies differ significantly from those faced by second, third or subsequent generations. Statistics according to the business life cycle According to data from…
Family Business
Heterogeneity in family businesses: 5 key concepts
Family businesses are the backbone of many local and global economies as drivers of both employment and economic stability. However, categorizing them as a single, uniform group limits our understanding of the numerous complexities and nuances among them. Far from a homogeneous collective, family-owned firms can differ in fundamental ways that shape their governance, strategic…
Family Business
What should companies expect from their family shareholders?
Last November, I offered some reflections regarding what family shareholders deserve from their family business. This article takes the opposite approach: what do family businesses deserve from their family shareholders? The answer is clear: responsible and efficient performance. As is often the case, this is easier said than done. Let's start with the essence of…
Family Business
The potential of growth equity for family businesses
The private equity (PE) landscape has evolved significantly in recent years, offering family businesses new opportunities for growth without compromising their core values. Family firms have historically been wary of PE, which often conjures images of aggressive cost-cutting, loss of control and a focus on short-term financial gains. This perception is not without merit: in…
Family Business
NEWS: Mango faces challenges in leadership succession and future direction
Following the sudden passing of Isak Andic, the founder and non-executive chairman of Mango, the Spanish fashion multinational faces its most critical challenges since its establishment in 1984. Following death of founder: Challenges Mango now faces in leadership succession and future direction Homepage image: Mango
Family Business
Happiness as a strategic pillar
Far more than an abstract ideal, happiness a fundamental condition for both individual and collective success. Martin Seligman, a global authority in positive psychology, offers the PERMA model as the foundation of well-being, built upon five core components: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment. As a professor specialized in human behavior within organizations, I’ve…
Family Business
Navigating conflict in family business
Conflict is an inherent part of human interaction, arising whenever there is a divergence of opinion or interest on a concrete issue. In the context of family businesses, the most successful organizations anticipate and manage conflict before it arises. These companies recognize conflict as a natural occurrence: if it hasn’t cropped up yet, it’s only…
Family Business
Corporate governance in family firms: 7 key concepts
The convergence of personal relationships and business objectives in family firms often gives rise to unique challenges and added complexities in their management and sustainability. In this context, solid corporate governance systems are critical to ensuring their long-term success. On November 7, IESE’s Madrid campus brought together renowned experts to analyze corporate governance as a…
Family Business
What do shareholders of family firms deserve?
As family businesses transition across generations, a distinct type of shareholder emerges: one who only own shares while playing no role on its executive board or leadership team. The concept of responsible and committed ownership has increasingly gained traction in recent years, guided by the principle of stewardship. This vision underscores the critical need for…
Family Business
The evolving role of women in family business
Women are increasingly stepping into senior-level roles in family-owned firms, bringing a distinct leadership style that blends strategic acumen with an ability to balance both family and business dynamics. This article explores the growing influence of women in family-owned firms, the challenges they face and new opportunities on the horizon. Female leadership in family business…
Family Business
Navigating reputation: a delicate balance for family firms
For family businesses, reputation is everything, past, present and future. It’s about maintaining a positive image today, while preserving a legacy that can be passed down through generations. More so than non-family firms, where the business and employees’ personal lives often occupy separate realms, family firms are deeply connected to their reputation. This also makes…
Family Business
NEWS: The messy Murdoch succession drama, explained
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is navigating a court case that will impact the company's future by determining how its voting shares will be divided among his four eldest children. The outcome of the succession process could have major implications for his media empire, as well as its role in shaping U.S. and global politics. The…
Family Business
Leaving a legacy: the importance of instilling shared values
The ultimate goal of any family business is to create a legacy for future generation. To achieve this, family firms strive to ensure that the wealth they generate (or inherit) grows on a solid financial foundation for the benefit of their descendants. But there's more to it than that. Even more important is their ability…
Family Business
Our mission: offering integral support for family-owned firms
It is both an honor and a privilege to serve as the new holder of IESE’s Chair of Family-Owned Business, which in 1987 became the first of its kind in Europe. Deep ties to family business Throughout the years, the Chair has witnessed profound shifts in the global business landscape while remaining true to its…
Family Business
2023-24 Annual Report
As another academic year winds down, we are pleased to share our 2023-24 Annual Report, a showcase of the Chair's ongoing efforts to serve the global family-business community. On a personal note, this post also marks my last as the holder of the Chair of Family-Owned Business. Starting September 2024, Prof. Álvaro San Martín will…
Family Business
Succession, succession and succession
Sooner or later, all family businesses face succession processes. Ideally, these are founded on professional criteria and approved by both predecessors and successors. The lack thereof is an all too frequent mistake and the most common source of conflict in family-owned firms. Movie: YES. Ongoing series: NO A generational handover should be framed as a…
Family Business
Balancing socioemotional wealth and financial goals in family business
Family firms are integral to the global economy, driving positive change by pursuing both financial objectives and the generation of socioemotional wealth (SEW). Developed by Prof. Luis Gómez-Mejía, socioemotional wealth in family firms encompasses a number of non-economic factors including family control, values, legacy, transgenerational vision, pride of belonging and emotional connection. The dual role…
Family Business
4 decision-making models in family firms: which is best?
Among their unique characteristics, family businesses pursue both financial goals and non-economic aims such as preserving the family legacy and promoting community development. This dual perspective can lead to misalignment among family members regarding organizational priorities, while raising important questions: How should family firms integrate divergent perspectives in their decision-making processes? What’s the best structure…
Family Business
Times of change and opportunity are coming for Spain’s family-owned firms
* This article originally appeared in the newspaper "Expansión" on May 4, 2024 under the title "Llegan tiempos de mudanza y oportunidad para la empresa familiar." Family firms require solid corporate governance in order to maintain their relevance as engines of growth and employment. Spain’s corporate world has garnered global media attention in recent weeks…