Leadership and People Managenent

Digital Globalization: The New Era and its Implications

Although many consider globalization to be the buzzword of the last decades, economic historians would argue that globalization has a history that stretches back thousands of years. As brought up in a relevant Economist article, the trend of trade expansion is linked to specialization and is ‘nearly as old as civilization’. The process seems quite…

Migration: Keep Away ‘Some’ and Attract ‘Others’?

Let’s speak about migration again… In the midst of the migration crisis and the multitude of articles about Europe’s tightening inflow of migrants (e.g. here), it is quite refreshing to also read about the other side, namely the competition for migrants. A recent FT article reminds us of the global talent gap and the global…

To Sleep or Not to Sleep: That is the Question

When was the last time you encountered a colleague, a student or any other acquaintance of yours, who would answer the common ‘how are you?’ question with a sincere ‘I am doing great’, while looking rested and full of energy? Isn’t it getting more common to hear about ‘being too busy’, ‘a bit tired’ and…
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